Assignment 1 of 4: Computer Usage Policy

The platform used for the videos is EdPuzzle. You can download the EdPuzzle app if you are using a smartphone (Android and iOS). CLICK HERE for more information.

The first thing we will review is the Acceptable Use of School Computers Policy (Policy 311). You will use Google Drive (Google Slides) and create 10-11 slides that will include the statements in the image below.

First, review the statements below (click to enlarge the image):

Click on image to enlarge 

In Google Slides you will create a title page and then nine (9) slides to include the nine (9) statements. Each slide will include the following:
  • Policy Statement (make it as concise as possible) and Policy Number
  • Graphic or Image (copyright free/public domain)
  • Graphic/Image Source (small font size of the web address)
Layout and design is important and is part of the curriculum outcomes for this course. How can you make your slideshow more appealing and effective? Click here to read 11 design tips. 

Make sure to use these design tips and read these tips BEFORE you start designing your slide presentation. 

Having trouble making statement more concise? Do not overthink it. For example, statement #3 reads:

The sentence has eighteen (18) words. You can rework this to make it shorter. For example:

Signed permission is a MUST to post or release information or images. (12 words)


When you have completed your Google Slides presentation, use the checklist below to review that you have included all the required components. Your teacher may have a handout of this checklist.
  • I have a title page that includes the necessary information for the viewer about the topic.
  • I have included images/graphics on each slide that relate to the information for each slide.
  • I have included (in small print) the source for my photos with a direct link.
  • My photos are copyright free or copyright friendly and not taken from a Google photo search. 
  • I have shortened the policy statements.
  • The font size in the presentation is large enough for viewers to read. 
  • I have applied at least eight (8) of the eleven (11) design tips from the online article.

Copyright Friendly Image Sites