Web Design (3 of 4): Web Design Principles

PART 1 of 2 - Web Design Principles

Below are videos that explore different web design principles, particularly the following:
  • Graphic Design - The aesthetic principles related to colour, layout, typography and graphics.
  • Interface Design - Elements related to how the user interacts with the site, primarily related to the navigation menu.
  • Information Design - How content can be organized logically throughout the site and on each page. 
Make sure you are logged into your account and not another student's account as you watch the videos. 
Answer the questions and remember that you can view a section again if you are not sure of the answer. 

PART 2 of 2 - Your Response
  1. Below are links to some of the websites mentioned on the final video you just viewed. 
  2. Check out at least three of these websites.
  3. In a Google or Word document, make reference to two design examples you really like and explain why. Consider how they could be inspirational in creating your own website. What do you like about the examples? How can the design relate to one or more of the three design principles listed above?
  4. The examples can be anything: from an image to fonts that are used or how a layout is created. 
  5. Make sure to include direct links to your examples (and test the links to make sure they work). 
  6. If you cannot link to the examples, then create and upload screenshots.
  7. Share the Google Document to allancarterspace@gmail.com